Sacco’s Board of Directors, Leaders & Staff Motivation Talks Retreats Programs in Kenya
KK brings his years of experience as an Entrepreneur, Motivation Speaker, Author, International Team Building Coach to his engaging keynotes that share practical tips while having fun. For all Business Speaker, Team Building, Customer & Member Care, Personal Finance management, Leadership Speaker, Change Management Speaker, Youth Empowerment. He delivers key note speeches in both Local & International platforms inspiring the audience with his passion and thrilling stories. Rekindle your Sale Team Morale with the best practical Kenya Motivational Speakers
Grow your Sacco from Village to National Leagues with KK Training Programs
KK works with many Sacco’s which include: Yetu Sacco, Imarisha Sacco, NewForties Sacco, Times U Sacco, Towers Sacco, Sheria Sacco, Airport Sacco, Jamii Sacco, Unitas, Azima Sacco just to mention a few through interactive keynotes, heart-on masterclasses and ROI focused trainings. Staff Motivational Talks & Speaker, Employee Engagement KK is the right bet for igniting your Staff Morale, Building Members Capacity through Trainings and growing the Leadership & Board Capacities
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Kariuki Kamau is an accomplished author and some of his Best Sellers Listed below are now availble on bookstores near you, you can also order online on Amazon or call the number below and our rider will deliver at the hard copy comfort of your desk.